June 30, 2022

Introducing IoT devices into the operational functions of any company allows management through remote access.

When a company introduces IoT devices into its system, it is reasonable to expect the new system to need quality management. In addition, it needs to be maintained for the IoT environment to provide the required operations.

IoT device managing implies having the actual devices, keeping them up to date, performing diagnostics, tracking operations, and updating them promptly. In addition, the management of IoT devices must ensure data security. To maintain the functionality of IoT devices at a high level, it is worth considering such factors as:

  • Number of devices,
  • The size of the network,
  • Location and access to devices,
  • Upgrades to device capabilities.

The security of an IoT system always depends on staying up-to-date and compliant.

Managing a company’s network of IoT devices implies having a dedicated manager who has a detailed view of the entire system: the number, functions, and status of each device. The manager registers each device, configures it, grants access, monitors the status, is liable for timely updates of all connected devices that receive and send data, and analyzes it. Otherwise, an unmanaged IoT device system risks being compromised and causing important information leaks.

IoT Device Installation from A to Z

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Registrating and connecting

Any IoT device requires a network connection. The manager can connect a single device or an entire fleet. In the case of registration of many objects, managers can group them. Grouping devices will help issue, for example, one command to several things at once.

Setting up and granting access to devices

Regardless of the platform used, once registered and connected, IoT devices need to be configured to work and set parameters according to IoT policy requirements. The device must then receive a key or certificate for authentication.

Data sending and receiving protocols

IoT solutions may use different types of data transfer protocols depending on the type of device, bandwidth, etc.

Data Collecting and Analysing

For the analysis of data collected and transmitted by IoT devices to be practical and valuable to the company, the system manager must first emphasize the workflow. This will help set up notifications of any deviation in incoming data. In addition, the manager should monitor the IoT devices themselves to see real-time fluctuations and irregularities.

The Benefit of IoT Device Management

The management of IoT devices is responsible for setting and monitoring their performance. Thanks to an established management system, managers can:

  • Track device uptime and any events associated with their operation.
  • Collect critical information from sensors installed on production equipment.
  • Prevent critical system failures, equipment breakdowns, and life-threatening changes to workers or production on time.
  • See and correct system or device digital security breaches in time.
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System Disadvantages

IoT devises control system drawbacks can grow out of incompetent management. Therefore, do not be bashful about IoT software development services. Ready-made processes will help properly connect devices and monitor their security and compatibility. IoT device management platforms are responsible for information processing by machines and their scalability throughout their lifecycle.

The system drawback is the global lack of standardization of the IoT technology stack. Therefore, it is crucial to find a suitable comprehensive management model.

Security is also a weakness of the IoT system. Wireless data transmission is often unencrypted for both residential and industrial devices. Alternatively, it is unfeasible to set a secure password of sufficient complexity. Hackers can therefore attack IoT systems.

Since the technology is relatively new and untested, there are no unified legal and regulatory aspects concerning the security of IoT usage. Therefore, this issue is currently in its development and improvement stage.

To ensure IoT-means, one can introduce mandatory certification of devices, use the connection in a closed private virtual network, install special unified chips on the equipment or take advantage of ready-made solutions from companies specializing in IoT.

IoT Management Stack

Regardless of how and who will manage the IoT system, we can trace three basic requirements for the system.

  1. Availability of a cloud platform for data storage and transfer. Its choice depends one hundred percent on the requirements of the data itself.
  2. The type of devices used, which are connected to the physical object, such as sensors, gyroscopes, gauges, etc.;
  3. How the data is transmitted from the device: wifi, BlueTooth, NFS, etc.
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Why Use IoT Management

Simplified data collection and transmission

Unlike humans, IoT sensors take dry information from the environment without interpreting it through their evaluation. As a result, they eliminate the risk of human error or real-time delays if they are working correctly.

Automation of routine tasks

The IoT-based system is designed to reduce routine manual work. It automates collecting, receiving, transmitting, and analyzing the necessary data.

Reduced production costs

Companies using IoT management gain process automation, reducing the cost of manual labor and the cost of potential errors and omissions.

Accelerated go-to-market

Job automation reduces the time it takes to create and launch a product while at the same time facilitating growth and scaling.

Monitoring and prevention

Continuous monitoring of the status of sensors and other IoT devices prevents errors or breakdowns. Thus, a defect that is noticed at the right time will stop, for example, a production failure or a disturbance in the production process that could lead to losses.


The Internet of Things is a sector that is rapidly developing and penetrating our lives at different levels: from leisure to the optimization of plants and factories. Smart houses, smart cities, security systems that recognize criminals and call the police immediately, gadgets that self-monitor the condition of patients, or factory workstations are no longer images from a fantasy movie. Instead, IoT technology allows us to automate many daily processes here and now. One of the basic concepts of this technology is IoT Device Management.

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About the author:

Janet Polson is a graduate of George Washington University in International business. She is an unspoken expert in the study of science and philosophy. Janet is also a blogger, author of tech articles and she works as business analyst at Computools. Follow her on Twitter.



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